Shaken Udder: Building brand love
Shaken Udder milkshakes wanted to raise awareness and amplify its “Do What Makes You Happy“ brand platform
Our response
Creating the prerequisite hook for earned media, we captured data backing up the idea that the Brits let hang-ups hold them back from happiness.
This set the scene for phase one, a partnership with a psychologist to bring our findings to life through national consumer and broadcast media.
Having sparked the conversation and highlighted the problem, we experientially positioned Shaken Udder as the solution.
Step forward Liberation Lessons, a Shaken Udder owned experience for people to learn how to cast aside inhibitions and embrace what makes them happy.
Lessons included Dad Dancing, Show(er) Singing and Dopamine Dressing. Each one inspired by the people that live life to the full.
We curated each touchpoint to provide an all-important sampling opportunity.
Not only did we secure over 70 pieces of coverage with a reach of 11.7 million, but we also hosted a packed-out event. Over 340 consumers attended in two hours, and we sampled nearly 500 milkshakes.