Breeze: Museum of Dead Chat
Dutch dating app breeze wanted Londoners to know it had landed. It also wanted daters to know how it differed – with an in-app function driving them offline quickly.
Our response
Getting daters offline is the enemy of all that terrible online chitchat. Upon finding out that the average dater wastes no less than 38 hours on bad online chat, we decided to make a thing of it. Step forward, our ‘museum of dead chat’, bidding it farewell once & for all.
We brought it to life via an exhibition – curating the worst chat & turning it into a museum.
A layer of research allowed us to kickstart coverage with a broadcast day. From there we moved into a paid partnership with secret london, resulting in 367,000 impressions.
When it came to the exhibition (held across three days as a result of some great negotiating) – we drove over 200 people through the doors. Ultimately we secured over 208 pieces of earned media.
Overall results were strong, the app enjoyed an excellent entry into market, beating its forecast sign-ups.